Got a tag from Jenri ...Aslinya sih aku kaga ngerti tujuannya apa, tapi berhubung temen baik, gua bikin deee tag-nya. Hitung2 dapat THR dari teman.
- Copy the text from "Rules"- Post it in your blog. Make sure you copy it in compose mode (blogger) or visual mode for the others. This will enable you to copy all your friend's link as well. Have fun doing it.- In the next number, add your blog url and link it- Add the greetings that you use frequently or one that is in your traditional language.
1. All About Kawaii says Konichiwa
2. Mariuca's Perfume Gallery says HOLA!
3. Yenzz's SeeNRead says Hi!
4. laketrees says G'day
5. A Great Pleasure says Aloha!
6. restnrileks says Apa Khabar?
7. Fida Abbott says Hello!
8. Bintang says Kifa Halwk?>>>(Arabic)
9. Ika Devita says Ni hao!
10. Jenri Tan says Ni hao!
11. Lily says ...yok opo kabare ?
So, gimana Yen ? apa PRku dah bener ?